Loyalty Card

Loyalty Card Form

Παρακαλούμε όπως αναφέρετε την προτίμηση σας επιλέγοντας μια από τις παρακάτω επιλογές. Εάν δεν επιθυμείτε να επικοινωνήσουμε μαζί σας για σκοπούς διαφήμισης, μην επιλέξετε οποιαδήποτε επιλογή./ Please indicate your preference by ticking any of the following options. If you do not wish to receive any marketing material leave the boxes empty.

Επιλογή εστιατορίου παραλαβής Κάρτας Επιβράβευσης / Choice of the restaurant to pick up your card:

By submitting this form, you accept that your data will be securely stored and processed within our tools. Your data will be used with caution, aiming to give us a better understanding of your wants and needs as well as help us to reach you with relevant information.

If you prefer to bypass this form and reach us please send your email at [email protected] or call +357 22258800